Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 3

The third day was the last full day the campers had before they had to present their experiments, so it was obviously a very busy and productive day. They started off by presenting their mission badges to the whole group. The campers were then given more guidelines on how to move forward with designing their experiment and creating the presentation before they got back to work on said experiments and presentations. They worked until it was time to brush up on their communications skills with a presentation from Michelle Lucas.  

After a lunch break, the campers tested out their communication skills by working with their groups to create a list of things they would take to mars if they had to live there for 3 years. They then had to present their lists and were given pointers on how they could improve at communicating.  The campers were then allowed more time to spend preparing for tomorrow's big presentation. 

Don Thomas gave a talk about how the body is affected during space travel and then it was time to move on to award. The Bleacher Creatures (made up of Lenna Yong, Tamara Jay, Reagan Warford, Caleb Matthews and Finn O'Neill) won the award for the best mission patch. The other reward was given to the Dragons (made up of Seth Fouts, Leea McRoberts, Kinley Lewis, Austin Adams, and Ian Lewis) for best presentation during the communications activity.

The day came to an end with the camper's last dinner at camp and the rest of the night was devoted to each group finishing up their project.  The projects will be presented today at 1:00 p.m. and then parents or family members will be able to join their campers once again for the final award ceremony at 4:15 p.m. 

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